6 start up businesses that don’t require capital to start…..

Hustle bustle the clever way

Selling used furniture and household stuff on behalf of the owners.

Most people due to their busy schedules don’t find time to declutter their houses and if they do they just don’t know what to do with the clutter. You can make it your business to offer this service to potential clients at a small fee. All you need to have is to create an instagram page that allows good picture uploads. Advertise on behalf of your client, arrange on viewing from the clients point of collection once a sale is made you pocket your cut, by simply posting such a quick buck game that has no back log. You need to be available on your social media tab to answer customer queries before they loose interest, be upfront on any details pertaining the item to be sold. Be on time on appointment view day be early, dress well, be professional.

Becoming a personal shopper

Have you ever heard of people who run errands for others?…well you can package yourself in such a way that you are able to provide essential services to individuals who are caught up during the day that they can’t be able to do their personal shopping. Again social media choose a platform, create an account start advertising yourself. Integrity is key here and time keeping. Get a schedule that works for you and your clients. Ensure a relationship is formed and through this you are able to get refarals easily through family and friends.

Coaching and mentorship
Have you just completed your bachelors in psychology or even HR. You can choose to create a platform and reach out to your audience using the various social media platform.

So many people are looking for work and they need their cvs revamped. They need to be coached on how to respond when asked various questions at interviews.

With this pandemic so many people are undergoing so much trauma. So many people have lost their jobs, others have lost their loved ones. All these people need counseling and therapy so many People’s mental health are at risk. The stress levels are sky rocketing why don’t you make use of your degree and advertise on house calls for counseling sessions. Package yourself well and get your practice out there.

Becoming an influencer or promoter
This is the most hyped thing right now with the young crowd. You need to create a huge following across the social platform in order for you to convince the sponsors of great brands that you are worth the salt. Get your self out there create a brand for yourself then approach big brands and promote their products online in an agreed plan or contract. Remember you have to be professional and down to earth two three endorsement down the line can get you somewhere.

Creating utube content and sharing
As easy as it may sound…it’s not it requires consistency, thorough research and of course a great following. You have to know your niche, define it, work on it then show case it. The more you do it the finer you become there is no school for this you gain experience along the way as you progress. Go online and listen and observe what others are doing especially on your chosen niche. Learn as much as you can as long as you have your smart phone you can start from there. Passion and determination is key, you only start getting paid after your subscription gets to a certain level and you have garnered a viewership of almost 100. So much if instant cash out is your motivation you will need to hit the road harder.

Property manager
Take a look a round you, be a people person. Get to know who owns what in your area of residence. Do you know you can earn money from managing other people’s property. There are property owners out here who have vast properties with no one to manage for them. Start with one as you grow your boarders. You need to be professional, carteous, honest and diligent.

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